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HKU "140 for 140"

This event was held alongside HKMSA, and we were honoured to have Associate Deans, Professors and experienced doctors from HKU giving us useful insights of how to work in HK for HKU as an academic physician. The webinar also included a sharing session with two doctors from both Australia and the United Kingdom to share their experience transiting back to Hong Kong.

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Aspiring Medical Students

Medical students currently studying in the UK gave a talk to introduce the UK healthcare system, medical school application process, such as tips of taking the UCAT and BMAT, advice on writing the personal statement, and covering different interview tips, including those of MMI and panel interview. Teaching styles of different universities are covered as well. They also shared their experiences and different aspects of their lives as a medical student in the United Kingdom. 

Foundation Application Talk 

This event was held by the Doctor's branch aiming at final year students, to help them understand the process in applying for the foundation year program. We had three speakers covering different parts of the process, including how to rank deaneries, jobs and ways to maximise chances in getting in desired areas. They also shared their own experience in applying for and working in foundation years. 

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Doctors Mid Autumn Meet Up

This was the first social event for Doctor's Branch and doctors from different parts of the UK gathered together to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival. It was an amazing time to catch up with fellow doctors over a feast of dim sum. 

[30/09 - 02/10/2022]

HKMSUK hike is finally back ! We hiked around the beautiful Peak District and explored the area of Edale, with half of us joining an underground cave adventure. The views and fresh air was much needed, it was a great opportunity of explore different parts of the UK as well. 

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Medify BMAT and Interview Talk

This event was proudly sponsored by Medify, covering different parts around the BMAT exam and Interview tips, using the question bank that Medify kindly provided. We had 5 current medical students cover these topics above, as well as giving tips based on their own experience. 

Meet and Greet 

This was the first social for students of the year, starting off wiht a feast of dim sum at Gold Mine, followed by a game of bowling at Queens. It was amazing to see our old friends, as well as new faces at the event. 


Christmas Social

We had a cozy Christmas social socialising over good food with our fellow medics and dentists. It was a good time to share the festive atmosphere and we headed to Coven Garden Christmas market afterwards. It was an amazing time to catch up before everyone breaks for Christmas holiday. 


This is the first time HKMSUK collaborated with SMSUK for a Chinese New Year social. It was a perfect opportunity to catch up with fellow medics and dentists friends from Hong Kong, as well as meeting new friends from SMSUK. Everyone had a good time celebrating the year of the Rabbit. 


Hong Kong Day 


Being our flagship event of the year, Hong Kong Day was held with great success. We are very grateful to the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office and Hospital Authority, which kindly supporting this event.


We are very honoured to have esteemed speakers from the Hospital Authority, Dr Tony Ko, Dr Gladys Kwan and Ms Wincy Wong, who attended the event in person, giving all attendees insight about working as a health professional in Hong Kong, how HA hospitals, contracts, post-graduate training et cetera are managed in the public healthcare system. We also had Professor Ivan Hung and Professor Vivian Lin to speak to us about medical training and opportunities in the University of Hong Kong respectively. 

We are also grateful for five LMCHK speakers talking about their experience and the process of applying for Hong Kong residency training, including how to prepare for the HKMLE.

This event certainly has given us a better understanding of the pathway of returning to Hong Kong upon graduation and the medical career awaiting ahead. 

Easter Formal 

We held a formal dinner in the City to mark the end of this fruitful academic year. We haded to Bloomberg Arcade for a casual night out, which was a great opportunity to catch up with our medics and dentists friends.


Doctors Careers Talk

We are grateful that a number of doctors form various background came and gave talks regarding their specific specialities. They shared thier experience in the application process, sub-specialities, day to day life and very useful tips.

We covered various topics, including O&G, Radiology, General Surgery, Anesthesia, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry and Paediatrics.

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