Welcome to the Hong Kong Medical Society of the United Kingdom (HKMSUK)!
The Society was established in 2016, and is currently the largest network of medical students, doctors and dentists hailing from the city of Hong Kong.
Our main goals are to:
Establish a vibrant, inclusive community for Hong Kong medical and dental students, especially freshers
Create a professional network with ample opportunities for discourse between students and professionals, e.g. via mentoring schemes
Provide accurate, unbiased information regarding academic, training and career opportunities for members across both HK and UK
We have collaborated with various organisations and institutions across both jurisdictions in the past few years, both in a social and professional context, to broaden our members' horizons and keep them abreast of developments in the medical profession. In particular, we are honoured to have renowned ophthalmic surgeon Professor Christopher Liu OBE MD PhD advise the Society in his capacity as Patron of the HKMSUK.
We thank our HKMSUK community for their continued support in the last 8 years, and we believe the coming one will be the most fruitful yet. We look forward to meeting you all at our events - stay tuned!
Adrian Lee
President of the HKMSUK, 2023-2025
on behalf of the HKMSUK committee